Name: | Limited Liability Company «Bactrian» |
Legal address: | 735700, Republic of Tajikistan, Sogd region, Khujand, I. Somoni avenue 42, office 218. |
TIN: | 51008564 |
Certificate: | 5110020365 from 17.05.2017 |
License | Series JT №0026817 from 09.06.2017 |
Bank | OJSC «Bank Eskhata» branch of Khujand |
A/n | 20202972500040100101 |
C/a | 20402972457071000000 |
Sort code | 350501707 |
Phones: | +992 (92) 790 9907 |
E-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |